Cherished by God, equipped with truth and courageously serving
our family, church, and community in the name of Jesus.
Beloved Warriors
Beloved Warriors started in the heart of Sara Lasley, founder and CEO in 2011. At a very early age Sara accepted Jesus as her personal Savior. Sara grew up always talking with Jesus about her life and struggles. Of course, this did not mean she was exempt from hardships nor did she always make the right choices in life.
At the age of 20, after almost 30 years of marriage, her parents divorced. Abandoned by her father, Sara dug into her Bible, and God started showing her how He was her Father now. Through the Truth in God’s Word, the Holy Spirit, and her church family, Sara began the healing process. In 2010, her marriage of almost 12 years ended in divorce. With two small children, the cycle of abuse and addiction had become beyond what she could continually endure. During all of this, her relationship with Jesus was her strength and so were the women in her small group Bible Study. Sara believes whole heartedly that God never intended for women to just “survive” in life alone, but to become courageous and victorious through Him. Sara appreciates and values the relationships that God has placed in her life to encourage and sharpen her to be a better women, wife, and mother.
While at a women’s conference in 2011, Sara listened to an inspiring presentation about a women’s ministry devoted to helping women be victorious over abuse, addiction, and prostitution. This ministry was doing great things for the Lord and His people. Sara’s heart was stirred and she asked, “God, where is the women’s ministry designed for just any woman? You know… the ones that are just trying their best to get by in this life.” In her heart she felt God say, “You are going to do it.”
God has given Sara the vision to provide a non-profit organization devoted to helping women find courage and victory in a life with Christ. Beloved Warriors’ primary goals are to connect women with each other and get the Word of God in their hearts. She knows firsthand that true courage and victory has come from sinking God’s Truths deep in her heart. She knows He isn’t a God that is unreachable. He sent his son, Jesus, to die for us, and the Holy Spirit to walk with us through every single day on this earth.
A Beloved Warrior is a woman that is “Cherished by God, Equipped with Truth, and Courageously Serving Her Family, Church, and Community in the Name of Jesus.” She is made perfect through the “Beloved” Jesus. (Ephesians 1:6) As His child, she is often called Beloved in the Bible. She is also called to be a Warrior for Jesus and have a full armor (Ephesians 6) with which to battle her enemy.
Beloved Warriors ministry is designed to come along side existing churches and organizations to help connect and disciple the women in their organization. Beloved Warriors does not strive to be THE women’s ministry for that organization. Instead, it is designed to be the “difference maker” in the daily lives of the women. The churches and organizations are not charged for any assistance and childcare is provided for groups that need it.
Studies in these groups are first approved by the organization and are mostly from main stream Christian writings that are focused on healing women in whatever area is needed. At Beloved Warriors we know healing happens through the Word of God, prayer, and through the connectivity of women in the Body of Christ.
Sara works full time at growing the vision God is giving her for Beloved Warriors. She has written and teaches a Beloved Warriors Boot Camp. The workbook and corresponding devotional are designed to strengthen the women’s relationship with Jesus, empower them with more of God’s Word, train them to walk with the Holy Spirit and encourage them to be a Beloved Warrior for Jesus.
She is committed to helping women everywhere find healing, courage, and victory in their relationship with Jesus.
Board of Directors

Sara Lasley

Nichole Johnson – Secretary
Kelsey Helton – Treasurer

Sara Lasley
Founder / Executive Director

Coming Soon
Jill Robertson
Laura Kahle
Small Groups – Kelsey Helton Email: kelsey@belovedwarriors.org
Events – Pam Berger Email: pberger623@gmail.com
Marketing, Merchandise, Social Media, Registration – Jill Amonette Email: jill@belovedwarriors.org
Sponsorships, Donations, Other – Sara Lasley Email: sara@belovedwarriors.org
Greenwood Small Group – Nichole Johnson, Angie Doran
Greenwood Small Group – Jill Amonette, Susan Buckmaster, Leslie Pemberton
Franklin Small Group – Charlie Zellars, Kelsey Helton
Plainfield Small Group – Lori Ajekigbe, Erika Harris
Magdalene House Small Group – Toni Britton, Lane DeGeyter
Way Maker – Sara Lasley , Chris Lasley
Sara Lasley
Kelsey Helton – Project Manager/ Small Group Mentor
Yonnie Boyd
Pam Berger – Events
Mary Irwin
Charlie Zellars – Administrative Assistant
Jill Amonette – Marketing/Merchandise
Nichole Johnson
Lori Ajekigbe
Brenda Lycan
Tamika Taylor
Small Group Facilitators
Leadership Team

3625 Middle Patton Park Road
Martinsville, IN 46151
Tel: (317) 753-8326
Cherished by God, equipped with truth and courageously serving our family, church, and community in the name of Jesus.